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Customer tab

This is the page seen when choosing to View Activities for a customer. Many of the buttons and information here are the same as those on the Over Cap page. Items display in descending order with the most recent sessions at the top and the oldest sessions at the bottom of the page. Choose to view 10, 20, or 50 sessions per page.

The first section contains customer information including the username, last login date and time, email address, user point cap, current points, and the ability to view user settings.

  • Clicking Calculate Current Points will display the current number of points for the user. A Refresh button will also be displayed that they user can click at any time to refresh this total.
  • Clicking View Settings will direct the employee to the Point Settings page for the user. The point settings displayed will be user specific, the user being viewed will be displayed at the top of the page.

The Over Cap section displays a link to each session that has gone over a user’s cap. Clicking the date/time link for any of these sessions will direct the user to the Over Cap page. The section also contains the ratio (ration of point cap and total points) and the status (None, Under Review, Reviewed).

The Sessions section displays the following:

  • Session Start Time
  • Review Status:
    • Fraudulent Session: Indicates an employee has marked the session as fraudulent. The name of the employee who updated the session will also be displayed.
    • Valid Session: Indicates an employee has marked the session as valid. The name of the employee who updated the session will also be displayed.
    • Viewed: Indicates an employee has viewed the session but has not marked it as fraudulent or valid yet. The name of the employee who viewed the session will be displayed.
    • Blank: Indicates a session that has not yet been viewed.
  • Points Earned: displays points earned in the session
  • Authentication: displays method and result
  • Over Cap: if the session has gone over the cap limit, the box will be checked


In This Section

Over Cap


See Also

What is FAD?

Point Settings tab

Overview tab

Other FAD Information

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